Nancy Noelke | Coaching
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I coach leaders who are willing and eager to increase their own effectiveness. Leading others requires leading oneself first. Through individualized leadership assessment tools, self-reflection and feedback clients will receive greater insight from which to create a personal leadership development plan.


I bring a targeted approach to our coaching- identifying specific goals, linking those goals to the organization’s direction, creating measurable and accountable action steps, identifying and assisting in removing barriers, and celebrating wins and successes. My style is warm, positive, direct, and engaging. I will support your vision and direction and I will hold you accountable to doing everything it takes to meet your goals and increase your effectiveness.


Stuck in a job rut?

Want to make a career change, but not sure what direction to take?

Seeking a job or career that is a better match with your interests or talents?

Need a brush-up on how to best present yourself with potential employers?


I coach people in career transition who are looking for a job or career that best meets their specific skills, talents and interests.   Switching jobs or careers can be stressful.  Working with a coach helps you gain clarity, think more broadly, make decisions that reflect your values, and helps builds accountable action.


To discuss how coaching can support you in focusing your efforts, taking action toward your goals and creating a safe space for problem solving, contact me, to arrange a complimentary 30 minute coaching session.

Mindfulness Coaching
  • Finding it difficult to focus from endless distractions?
  • Trying harder and getting less done?
  • Having difficulty letting go of habitual thoughts or emotions that drain you?
  • Searching for balance in your life and space to just breathe?


Mindfulness is a state of being that allows us to attend to our thoughts and feelings with curiosity- rather than judgement, expand our awareness -rather than narrowness, and help us live in the present moment, just as it is.


I work with you to build a practice of mindful breathing, meditation, paying attention without judgement to thoughts and feelings, and practicing simple habits that reap lasting benefits when practiced on a regular basis.


I work with both individuals and couples in building a sustainable mindfulness practice that fits into your life.


For additional information on mindfulness click here.


To discuss how mindfulness coaching can help you, please contact me, to arrange a complimentary mindfulness coaching session.


Sometimes clients come to me with a specific short term goal in mind, such as transitioning to a new leadership role or leading a major change initiative. Other times clients are recommended by their leader to hone and refine specific leadership skills.    I partner with clients on creating a plan that works for them to gain traction and stay motivated to accomplish their goals.  The length of corporate coaching varies and can occur either in person or on the phone, depending on the client’s needs.

  • The person who is very willing to make sustainable changes.
  • The person who can work well with a partner, like a coach. The person who can listen, absorb and respond to the influence of another.
  • The person that can take an honest look at themselves and own their lives, without blame.
  • The person who has the energy, the time, and the focus to commit and take action on their goals.
  • The person who is willing to grow personally at the same time they are accomplishing their goals.
  • The person who likes the structure and accountability that coaching provides.
“The coaching sessions Nancy offered our managers provided us with valuable tools that will continue to help us reach our efforts for employee success and performance improvement. “

Jill E., Professional Development Coordinator

I am here to work closely with you and your team to best understand your needs. Please contact me to discover how I can help you.